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I highly recommend "Surviving Chance" to everyone. It may have been the most important two hours my team and I have spent together.
Carolyn R. Retail BankingThis course was more than I thought it would be. After viewing the first 30 minutes, I ordered it for my daughter away at college. I sleep better knowing she has this knowledge.
K. Sanderson Corporate Account Executive
This is not a Martial Arts Course!
But it will get you prepared for that worst case scenario:
an Unavoidable ConfrontationWhat would you do if surprised by an attacker
who suddenly grabs you from behind?With the Surviving Chance video course,
regardless of your size or stature,
you won’t have to think.You would just react and get away to safety!
"Surviving Chance was designed with the everyday person in mind.
People with no time, or interest for extensive martial arts training."
The Entire Course takes less than 2 hours
Yes, two hours from now, you could be armed with
the knowledge to give you:A SURVIVING CHANCE
Get The Course Today Only $19.95
Testimony from current Law Enforcement Officer
"I have taken the Surviving Chance seminar and the “PAC” concept is spot on with Preparedness, Practice, Awareness, Attitude, Confident and Commitment. All of these points along with the combat static technique relates to my daily life as a police officer. I recommend this seminar to everyone especially women and young girls. This would be a perfect training class for a student going off to college."
Officer H.
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